Thursday, April 28, 2011

Common Sense Self Defense - in the real world.

"Win if you can, cheat if you must, but never never lose". Jax

Because many assaults are planned well in advance, I prescribe to the "What would I do if?" philosophy. By thinking of varying situations in advance that a woman might find herself in, she learns to read the situation, decide on the appropriate action to take, and then implement whatever techniques necessary to keep her safe. This can be something as simple as locking a car door, walking across the street, or turning in to a place of business to stop a person who is following you.

There is no "cookie cutter" method that will keep you safe in all situations. Many times it is the ability of the victim to think outside of the box and be creative that is the most effective. If you think you will hesitate in any confrontation then you will. By giving yourself a realistic "way out" in advance gives you a much better chance at success.

Statistics rarely show the effectiveness of self-defense training, since most statistics are about crimes that occur, not about the ones that have been prevented, or defended successfully against. As a Martial Arts Instructor, I have heard stories about women who had encounters that they were able to successfully defend themselves against because of their Martial Arts training. Though personally I have found these to be few in number.

As I study prevention strategies for self-defense, I found that most encounters did not always need the physical techniques of the arts, but the strength of mind that comes with that training. Many studies have begun to come out in favor of a more common sense approach to self-defense. We in the field of Martial Arts are learning new ways to teach self-defense. Fewer seminars are solely focusing on the "hit him where it hurts" type of training and opting for a more practical approach. Though there are studies that show women who fight back have a better chance of escaping an attack, (A woman who fights back gains around an 86% chance of avoiding the rape and she incurs little chance of additional injury. (Most injuries are sustained BEFORE the woman starts fighting back). Women who used knives or guns in self-defense were raped less than 1% of the time. (Kleck and Sayles, 1990), there is no guarantee. Every situation is different; if a person has thought out in advance what they would do in various situations their odds for escaping unharmed are increased.

What is Self Defense

Self-defense is a set of awareness, assertiveness, verbal confrontation skills, safety strategies, and physical techniques that enable someone to successfully prevent, escape, resist and survive violent assaults. A good self-defense course provides psychological awareness and verbal skills, not just physical training.

In fact sometimes the best defense is non-confrontational. It is displacing our fear with the realization of what dangers are really out there, knowing what assailants are looking for in a victim, and training ourselves not to be one.

We must determine whether or not we feel we are worth fighting for, because what we do to resist will determine if our assailant will succeed or not. If we do not feel that we are worth fighting for, then why should our assailant?

Self-defense is something we should practice everyday, not just when we read an article in the newspaper or see on TV, that brings it to our attention. It is something as simple as being able to speak up appropriately when someone has offended you. It is also educating ourselves on issues such as, sexual harassment, staking, rape, and obscene phone calls. By Learning when we have been a victim, and when have not. Being responsible for our own safety by practicing good prevention measures in all aspects of our life, whether it is at home, work or play is a major step forward to personal safety.

10 commandments of aggressive self-defense

1. Always assume your opponent is dangerous
2. Use simple, easy and effective techniques
3. Be sure you are always well balanced when delivering a technique
4. React instantly, be quick and accurate
5. Use all the tools at your disposal; hair pulling, eye gouging, biting, running, anything is fair
6. After attacking or counterattacking, keep your adversary in sight. Be alert for a continuation of their  
7. Always deliver your blows to your opponents weaker areas; knees, eyes, groin, throat, nose
8. Always yell when delivering a technique, this will momentarily distract and possibly alarm your
9. When ever possible, use any available object as a weapon to help subdue your opponent. If you can
    think it, do it, nothing is too bizarre
10. If you must fight, always fight aggressively; use all of your strength. When defending
     yourself, always fight as if your life depends on it. BECAUSE IT DOES

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